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MESH Pink Tropic 22 Wedding Cenerpiece w/ Candle & Flames

MESH Pink Tropic 22  Wedding Cenerpiece w/ Candle & Flames
MESH Pink Tropic 22  Wedding Cenerpiece w/ Candle & Flames
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Art Deco Pendant Light 1 (Gold Tone), Mesh, 1LI

Add a bit to Roaring 20's elagance to any room as a contemporay piece on a history sim or an antique that accents and complements 21st century design.

Copy/Mod - Can be made larger or smaller. Deleved table size./ Stays 1LI to z = 4.4M

Touch the base for the light to go on/off

Singularities Décor delivers high style décor on a low prim budget. Low land impact and Ultralight mesh furniture that makes a house look and feel like a home on very few prims; designed with Linden Homes, skyboxes and role-play sims in mind.

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L$ 149

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Singularities Decor
Verkauft von: SingularitiesDecor

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