BGFP Asian Moongate Garden Walls FP

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Modular wall set lets you make an Asian Style Garden for a land or skybox.

Set of Asian Style Garden walls with moon gate entrance. The meshes have faces and will take textures direct, no UV map. Comes textured but will take textures from Market Place.

There are two set here - one in modular pieces and one pre-assembled for a 25M garden square.

All Pieces are 1 to.5LI. Assembled as shown for 25M Garden with end lamps = 9 LI.

Long fence (10M) 1m Col .5LI + Fencing .5LI = 1 prim
Short Fences (5M) Col & Fence = .5Li
Moon Gates .5Li ea
Pebble Platform .5Li ea


Simple Version TOS - CANNOT transfer, sell or gift these mesh objects ...
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Use this product to create items for your own use or for use in products that you sell within Second Life. You cannot transfer, gift, or resell the mesh objects as full perm (copy, mod, transfer) or copy/transfer.

These items cannot be resold as is and must have value added to it that makes it your own unique product or a part of a larger build.

Items made with these meshes even with modified permissions cannot be given away as a freebie or sold as a dollarbie.. They can be used in hunt prizes, group gifts or other limited-time offerings (31 days max) with permissions as stipulated above.

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Verkauft von: CaraCali Nova
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  • Auswirkung auf Land: 1
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