Atlantis RP Low Lag Multi Item Vendor V3.1 boxed full perm Version V3.1
![Atlantis RP Low Lag Multi Item Vendor V3.1 boxed full perm](
Atlantis RP NO Lag Multi Item Vendor V3.1
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=I N T R O D U C T I O N=
The purpose behind creating this vendor was to save on prims and scripts with listens that cause lag so that we could keep our market at Trinity as user friendly as possible. There are of course many good systems out there but we like to keep things original ; )
Atlantis RP products are all fully mod and copy, no commissions are taken from owners or sellers, low on prims, simple to use and a resonable price.
Your multi Item vendor comes in three colours, black, silver and gold. Of course as the unit is mod, you may change it to suit your style as you please. Your package should also contain a notecard with instructions on use.
=F E A T U R E S=
This vendor has been created to carry NO more than 20 items for sale at any one time and the scripts free memory should last for around 20,000 sales. What is special about the vendor is that it has NO listens inside, instead it uses a notecard to handle what items it will display and sell. This means that until a purchase is being made the vendor is doing nothing and therefore should not cause lag. I have kept prim count low too by making 1 viewing panel, so the whole unit is 4 prims including the frame.
= I N S T R U C T I O N S=
a). To use your vendor simply drag it from your inventory to the area you wish to place it. Once it has rezed, a pop up screen will appear asking permission to take Linden $ from you. Accept this, do not worry, it is how you get paid, nothing funny!
b). If you are selling your items in a bundle, place them all in one box. To place your boxed item/s into the vendor, right click on the vendor and select edit. This open's SL's editing menu. The vending script is set into the main viewing panel of your vendor, so you will need to tick the "Edit linked parts" box and then click on the vendors main panel.
c). Now select the "Content tab" and drag your boxed items from your inventory into the content panel. Tip (Until you are used to the vendors set up, I would add 1 product at a time, it will make it easier if you need to go back and changeanything).
d). All your items for sale must have a texture associated with them ending with the word PIC. E.g. if your products name is: Hairy dog, then its Texture picture would be named Hairy dogPIC. Name your textures appropriatley then drag them to the contence area of the vendor too.
e). Once you have added your products and associated textures to the vendor, you will need to edit the notecard that controls everything. This is again located in the main viewing panel of your vendor and is named Vendoritems.
The notecard should be completed as follows: Ignore the text I have entered, it is just for instruction, but do not delete any lines as the vendor will count from line 10.
The format is 1st line - Your products name
2nd line - Short description
3rd line - Price (This should just be a number e.g. 100, do NOT ad sybols such as L$).
Please ensure there is no space at the bottom of the text, or between items or the vendor will not work correctly. See example below:
Hairy dog
A sweet little dog M C No trans
Smelly dog
A really stinky dog
Naughty dog
He does a wee tut tut
= A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S =
Thank you to Lillith Reanimator for her excellent PS skills. Thank you to Wolf Rocco for the base script idea, and finally a big thank you to Cynical Deanimator for all his help in getting this together.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to contact my partner Lillith Reanimator via an IM.
Artikel in Second Life anzeigen- Full perms
- Speedy low/no lag vendor
- 3 colours included - Silver, Gold & Black
- Only 4 prims
L$ 475
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