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raclo Novo

||N E C I S|| by Braclo Eber

Necis is my first creation of a bomb. There are several functions to this bomb that makes it a bit more than just a usual explosion. The HUD and briefcase work simwide, so you don’t have to be close at all to set it off.

The bomb is not really made to be used as a weapon that does damage or push even though if you stand on top of it, the debris that fire off will push you away.
Be warned that the debris will cause temporary scatter, I will not be held liable for griefing used by this weapon.

When detonated, the bomb will fire several white glowing debris in all directions that will be accompanied by sound, fire and smoke particles, and a HUGE mushroom cloud,
After all is gone smoke will be left and will disappear eventually.

Within the box there is 4 items:
:Braclo: Necis (45 Prims)
:Braclo: Necis HUD (15 Prims)
:Braclo: Necis Briefcase (13 Prims)
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|||:Braclo: Necis |||
This is the bomb itself, NECIS, which includes several functions.

Red blinking button: This will start the countdown from 10 to detonation.
Green button: This will turn the loop sound on and off. It has no special function, just something for ambience.
Wires: All the wires are rigged to explode on click (cut) except for one, that will defuse the bomb when it’s counting down. I leave it up to you to try and figure out which one it is :D

||:Braclo: Necis HUD ||
This is the HUD that when worn will appear on the bottom of your screen. This can be used sim wide, so you can stand on the other side of a sim when setting it off.
It has 3 main buttons.

Fire: This will start the countdown from 10 to detonation.
Sound: This will turn the ambient loop sound on and off.
Help: This will give you this notecard,

||:Braclo: Necis Briefcase ||
This is the briefcase that has about the same functions as the HUD, but instead of being worn you can place it somewhere.

Fire: This will start the countdown from 10 to detonation.
Sound: This will turn the ambient loop sound on and off.
Help: This will give you this notecard,

||Read Me||
This Notecard

Please make sure when using the bomb that you turn up your particles, as there are several particles when it detonates.
This can be done within your Second Life client by going to Edit - Preference - Graphics - Custom - Max. Particle Count, and turn it up as high as you can.

Some of the stuff used in the bomb is what I found in other freebie stuff like the debris is from a freebie shotgun, but most stuff is built, modified and scripted by myself.

The mushroom cloud was created by MathieuBC Noel and can be found at

L$ 300

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Braclo Novo
Braclo Novo
Verkauft von: Braclo Eber

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