G Generell

.:B1:. Demonic Dungeon

.:B1:. Demonic Dungeon

26 modular pieces that can be used to create your own dungeon.
Low land impact pieces. Most are less than one land impact. Can be linked together to keep very low impact. The complete 33x21 dungeon without firepits (shown in the picture) is only 24 land impact with 48 modular pieces.

- prebuilt dungeons
- modifiable setting
- opening and closing gate
- 2 floor styles and pieces (tile, stone)
- animated firepits
- animated torches and sconces

  • Contains a link to the a rezzed demo of the Dungeon
  • 26 modular pieces that can be used to create your own dungeon.
  • Low land impact pieces. Most are less than one land impact.
  • 3 Complete versions included
  • Advanced Lighting