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BM Easy Jeans DEMO

BM Easy Jeans DEMO
BM Easy Jeans DEMO
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Some styles, particularly when they are close fitting, will require some use of mesh body alpha cuts or the use of an included alpha layer where garments or footwear have a version for classic avatars.

PLEASE NOTE: Older boot styles, usually retailing for L$19, will NOT necessarily fit mesh bodies, with or without alpha cuts. It is essential that you pay attention to the information on the ads. Many older style shoes were made for Slink feet prior to the development of the Slink bodies and these styles cannot be assumed to be suitable for mesh body wearers. They MIGHT fit with alpha cuts and body shape tweaking but are NOT guaranteed to fit.
All sales are final.
Demos are free at our in world store

Due to the increase in Marketplace fees, full priced items on the marketplace are being increased to take account of this. Prices in our in world store have not changed, and all purchases in world additionally earn 15% in store credit.

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L$ 0

Vollständige Version kaufen
Baby Monkey
Baby Monkey
Verkauft von: Pixieplumb Flanagan

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Dieser Artikel wird in Second Life direkt an Sie oder einen Freund geliefert. Er ist bereits ausgepackt und kann sofort verwendet werden. Es ist weder Land noch eine Sandbox erforderlich.

Geeignet für SLink, Maitreya, Belleza, TMP, Tonic-Avatare
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