CDKC.10010054 - Anabella Fitted Top - floral Version 1

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Promotional price: L$83
Regular price: L$110

This top comes complete with a texture HUD with 20 floral textures, and is available for these mesh bodies:

Belleza: Freya Isis Venus
eBody: Curvy
Maitreya: Lara
SLink: Hourglass Physique

As always, the use of the mesh bodies HUD to hide parts may be required for some shapes and sizes and a demo is available to check whether this will be required.

For an extra discount of upto 15%, this top is available using the in-world vendor here:

And a demo of this top can be seen using the holovendor here:

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Cheeky Devil Klothing Company
Cheeky Devil Klothing Company
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Verkauft von: davjam79
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  • Geeignet für
    Belleza,Belleza Freya,Belleza Isis,Belleza Venus,eBody,eBody Curvy,Maitreya,Maitreya Lara,SLink,SLink Hourglass,SLink Physique-Avatare
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