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Catch Me if you Can Dancer

Catch Me if you Can Dancer
Catch Me if you Can Dancer
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Since Gacha's aren't really allowed any more...
Gonna put this on the MP.
You can still transfer this Dancer.
You can also edit it.
If you want to change the dance animation, simply rename your new animation to match the old one that was inside this dancer EXACTLY.
No Copy, but you can send it to people who want it.

Start and Stop commands are in the description of the object, and will send you a private message when wearing the Dancer so you can see it in chat!

This Dancer is the upbeat Catch Me if you Can song.

L$ 25

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Granbulu's Grab-Bags
Verkauft von: Granbulu

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