Cheval D'or / TeeglePet Clydesdale / Braided Mane&Tail. [HUD]
Designed for the TeeglePet Clydesdale only,
will not fit any other rideable, OR avatar.
Mane left and right
Forelock left and Right.
Unbraided forelock.
forelocks can be taken off if you wish.
This set works and requires that you already own your own Teegle Mane/tail Appliers. They can be purchased from most coat artists within the community, as well from the Teegle Mainstore.
Disclaimer: Long Teegle mane appliers will work only. Short mane appliers may cause error with the textures
Store policy:
READ the signs, titles, and descriptions, we list our products with correct titles, and detailed description to make it easier to work out if this fits your horse.
If you purchase this and it doesn't fit your horse, it is on YOU, not us. Read the titles! Contact us if you're unsure.
L$ 499
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