Cheval D'or / TeeglePet Irish Cob / Brighton Polo Tack Set. [HUD]
Designed for the TeeglePet Irish Cob only,
will not fit any other rideable, OR avatar.
The set includes 3 leather textures you can change the saddle and bridle to. And 3 metal textures for the metal parts.
Saddlepad comes in 9 different colours
as well includs a label for custom sign/name for the pad.
You can however tint them using the included tint HUD.
This set is on the heavier side of 62-70LI
Store policy:
READ the signs, titles, and descriptions, we list our products with correct titles, and detailed description to make it easier to work out if this fits your horse.
If you purchase this and it doesn't fit your horse, it is on YOU, not us. Read the titles! Contact us if you're unsure.
L$ 789
Auspacken erforderlich
Dieser Artikel kann nur in einem speziellen Ort in Second Life (wie z. B. in einer Sandbox) ausgepackt und benutzt werden.
Dieses Produkt enthält tragbare Artikel für Ihren Avatar.
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