Thank you for your interest in Little girl Lykke avatar!
All of the following is included:
::: BODY :::
3 skins in fair skin tone with blond, dark blond or brown brows (copy)
1 modifiable shape, height 4'5"/1.35m (modify, copy)
Freckles on tattoo layer (copy)
Brow shaper (modifiable, copy)
Lip-gloss on tattoo layer
Band aid for nose on tattoo layer
Skinned knee with or without band aid (single or crossed) on tattoo layer
3 mesh eyes [ocean blue, forest green, hazel brown] (modify, copy)
3 system eyes [ocean blue, forest green, hazel brown] (copy)
Hide system lashes, alpha layer
Alpha layer for mesh eyes (copy)
Hair with resize script in 3 colors (platinum, light blond, blond) plus hair base on tattoo layer
::: OUTFIT :::
T-shirt in rigged mesh, 3 sizes [S, M, L] (copy)
Leggins in rigged mesh, 3 sizes [S, M, L] (copy)
Pink crocs in mesh, none-rigged (foot size 0) (copy)
Alpha layers for all above (modify, copy)
Full perm alpha layer textures (modify, copy, transfer)
::: EXTRA :::
Teddy bear in mesh with three cuddle animations. Wear it from inventory, touch and control the animations by menu (copy)
Windlight settings used
Please send me an IM if you have further questions about the product!
Deluxe Body Factory by
- Complete child avatar with Scandinavian look, hair and eyes also included
- Wearable mesh teddy bear with cuddle animations included
- Leggins, little girls t-shirt and cute crocs
- Freckles, skinned knee, band-aid on tattoo layer
- Full permisson alpha layer textures included