G Generell

[DEMO] Tarn Valley Mega Surround 7.0 FAT PACK Version 7.0

[DEMO] Tarn Valley Mega Surround 7.0 FAT PACK



This Fat Pack contains all Tarn Valley Mega surrounds: the full, 3/4. 1/2 and 1/4 version.

- This landscape is bigger than all previous off-sim landscapes: the visible surface is twice as big. This gives more more room for water around the sim and also to combine softly rolling hills with steep mountains in the back. Mountains can be much higher.
- Each landscape has twelve texture sets, representing all months of the year. With this you can move from one seasons to another in small instead of big steps.
- There are more off-sim trees per land impact (as much as 1800 tree panels on a full landscape!).
- The snow patches emit a some light in dark environment settings, with Advanced Lighting enabled.
- The tree textures have been changed to give a better forest look instead of a lot of single trees. The ground textures have a matching texture where there is forest, also giving a better idea of a forest.
- You can use either mixed forest (pines and deciduous trees) or only pine trees.
- There is more color variation in tree textures, giving a more natural look to the landscape

- The Starry Night system just goes outside the last ridge of hills and mountains, so they go toegther perfectly!
- All surface textures and tree textures have normal maps. These normal maps improve the details you can see on the landscape surface, and they give the trees a natural rounded shape. NOTE: normal maps can only be seen when Advanced Lighting is enabled!
- The trees are made as "billboards", which means they only have one side exactly facing the sim. By using this technique, one single mega prim can have more than 60 tree panels.
- You can remove all unnecessary scripts after deploy or reset them in case of problems (Advanced Menu, brought up by touching the landscape for 3 seconds)
- This landscape does not obstruct any kind of sit animations
- It is copyable: keep a copy in your inventory and you can't lose it (but also can't give it back for a refund... get a free demo first!)
- Matching terrain textures are included
- A version with and one without trees are included. Don't want the trees? Use the [NO TREES] version, it will save land impact

Full Mega Surround: With trees 118, without trees 58
3/4 Mega Surround: With trees 90, without trees 44
1/2 Mega Surround: With trees 60, without trees 30
1/4 Mega Surround: With trees 46, without trees 16

- This landscape is very big. Make sure you do not cover other regions with it. Other regions that are close to yours on the world map, but that do not share one full side with it will NOT be affected. Regions that touch at the corners are not a problem.
- This landscape is meant for use at sim ground level. You can use it in the sky as well, but you need prim water to complete it
- You can use it on homesteads and full sims

Read the Instructions (Mega Surrounds 7.0) before rezzing this landscape item.


Sominel Edelman,
landscapes Unlimited

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • Detailed off-sim sim surround landscape offers your region a natural 3D view
  • Comes in lots of layouts, for one single region island or combined regions
  • Choose 12 texture sets by HUD for each month of the year (covers 4 seasons)
  • Either choose mixed forest, fir trees or no trees. All textures have materials
  • Bigger than all other existing off-sim landscapes, more immersive!