100% automatisch
* Direkt Gruppeninviter
* Gruppenchat Moderator
* Gruppennotice Sender (auch Zeitversetzt)
Keinerlei Software oder Scriptkenntnisse notwendig!
Wir hosten deinen Bot auf unseren Servern. Du brauchst nur das Interface (1 Prim) auf deinem Land aufstellen.
Die Preise fangen bei L$79/woche an. ! Achte auf die weiteren Artikel Ufer unsere Sonderangebote
Funktioniert mit:
- Open Enrollment Gruppen
- Geschlossenen Gruppen
- Gruppen mit Bezahlung
- verschiedenen Parzellen/Sims
Besuche unsere Webseite fuer weitere Informationen:
- Gruppenverwaltung ueber Web und Besucherstatistiken
- Es wird keine Softwareinstallation benötigt (ausser dem SL Viewer!)
- Sendet Direkte Gruppeneinladungen
- Erlaubt das Moderieren des Chats im Web
- Erlaubt das versenden von Gruppennachrichten im Web (auch Zeitversetzt)
Fully helpfull
It solved the limit of 20m that bot has. I just put some of this, all over my land. And now everywhere is a point of greeting.
Interesting features
Still learning the UI and setting up my bot, but so far it seems quite useful. Guess I'll stick with it.
Great services and Cust. Service!
I've used Smartbots off and on for years now for my businesses and absolutely swear by them! Bots and Inviters both, great tools and SmartBots has AMAZING customer service even when the problem was entirely my fault :)
Worth it's Weight in Gold!
I have been using SmartBots for my SL Group Management for some time now and it takes the work out of so many historically manual processes for my land management organization. I love that SmartBots has so many options for group management, visitor tracking & invites and some fun little add-ons for the personal bots as well. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed!
Does what it is meant too
Great for store owners wanting an easy way to invites customers to their group.
makes all group management very easy recommended to everyone