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Hot tub, Sauna & Outdoor Shower

Hot tub, Sauna & Outdoor Shower
Hot tub, Sauna & Outdoor Shower
1 Rezensionen

Enjoy the superior realism and timeless elegance of Dutchie's hot tub, sauna, and outdoor shower at a big discount! This PG set has a total of 30 solo and 70 couple animations that will keep you entertained for hours, all available in realistic hands-free sequences.

There is also an adult version of this bundle available, see related items underneath for this.



Dutchie's PG sauna can seat 4 avatars and has 40 solo animations, 20 couple animations and 5 props, some of which have sounds. It has AV-sitter experience enabled for auto attaching of props and all animations have Bento hand poses and animations. All 4 solo menu's can be played individually by 4 sitters. During the pair menu, any extra sitters will move out of the way to a watching animation.


• PG: 4 seats, 40 solo animations, 20 couple animations, sequences
• Some auto attaching props have sounds
• Bento hand poses and animations
• AVsitter experience enabled for true automatic attaching of props
• Land impact of 13 prims while not in use, goes to 18 prims during use
• mod/copy/no transfer
• 100% original mesh


Security, animations, and hand poses can be adjusted under the ADJUST menu.

• Security: makes your furniture usable by Owner, Group, or All.
• Pose: enables discrete real-time adjustment of the poses.
• Hand animations: can turn the Bento hand animations off in case you wear standard SL hands.



The hot tub arrives ready to use, fire and water turn on my simple sitting on it. It offers options for relaxing, soaking, chatting, and drinking champagne, as well as more romantic options. Dutchie's hot tub is suited for both outdoor and indoor use and comes in 2 versions: PG and Adult. Both have AV-sitter experience enabled for auto attaching of props and all animations have Bento hand poses and animations. This PG hot tub has 30 couple animations with a very relaxing nature. Several of these can be played solo as well. It has a few props and there are 3 couple sequences in the hot tub. The outside wood paneling is color changeable into 3 different colors: a light fresh wood, a warm redwood and a stylish gray wash.


• PG: 30 couple animations, 2 solo, and 1 couple sequence
• Bento hand poses and animations
• AVsitter experience enabled for true automatic attaching of props
• 3 colors for the wood and 3 colors for the metal
• 4 different sounds, volume can be adjusted or turned off
• land impact of 9 prims
• mod/copy/no transfer
• 100% original mesh by Froukje Hoorenbeek


Colors, water, security, facial expressions, and poses can be adjusted under the ADJUST menu. If you would like to keep the hot tub's water and fire turned on while not using it, you can do so by right-clicking on the tub while you are not sitting on it.

• Color: choose between 3 colors for the wood.
• Water: change the volume of the water sound or turn it on or off.
• Security: makes your furniture usable by Owner, Group, or All.
• Pose: enables discrete real-time adjustment of the poses.
• Faces: turns facial expressions on or off.
• Bento faces: turns facial expressions on or off.



Dutchie's outdoor shower fits on the beach as well as in a garden. It's color-changeable into 9 different combinations: a light fresh wood, a warm redwood, and a stylish gray wash that can be combined with steel, copper, or a rusty material for the shower. It comes in 2 versions: PG and Adult. Both have AV-sitter experience enabled for auto attaching of props and all animations have Bento hand poses and animations. The PG shower has 20 solo and 10 couple animations with a very relaxing nature. It has a few props and there are 2 solo and 1 couple sequence in the shower.


• PG: 20 solo and 10 couple animations, 2 solo and 1 couple sequence
• Bento hand poses and animations
• AVsitter experience enabled for true automatic attaching of props
• 3 colors for the wood and 3 colors for the metal
• 4 different sounds, volume can be adjusted or turned off
• land impact of 6 prims
• mod/copy/no transfer
• 100% original mesh by Froukje Hoorenbeek


Colors, water, security, facial expressions, and poses can be adjusted under the ADJUST menu.

• Color: choose between 3 colors for the wood and 3 colors for the metal.
• Water: choose between 4 different sounds, adjust the volume or turn the sound completely off.
• Security: makes your furniture usable by Owner, Group or All.
• Pose: enables discrete real-time adjustment of the poses.
• Faces: turns facial expressions on or off.
• Bento faces: turns facial expressions on or off.
The facial expressions are only available in the adult shower.


Come and try the sauna, hot tub, and outdoor shower yourself inworld at Dutchie!

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen Video anzeigen »
  • Dutchie Mesh hot tub, sauna and outdoor shower
  • 30 solo and 60 couple animations
  • AV-sitter experience, Bento hand animations and poses, Bento facial expressions
  • Sauna animations, Champagne drinking, hot tub animations, shower animations
  • relaxing, soaking, chatting, romantic animations
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
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Great quality
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 5.6.2022 von femke Koenkamp

Everything about these is so realistic! The scripting, the textures, the water, particles, and the animations make you look great. Love them!

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L$ 3.298

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Verkauft von: Froukje Hoorenbeek

Land erforderlich

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Automatische Neulieferung
Netz: 100 % Netz
Auswirkung auf Land: 28