Create a demo item in under 10 seconds
Just link the Easy Time Demo Prim to your object, set the time from the menu and you are done.
- Hover text on or off
- Set hover text color
- Set a time after which your item gets destroyed
- Works on anything (prim, mesh, attachments, etc)
- Time starts on first rez or wear
- Doesn't destroy your items (give message instead)
- Data stored in the prims description
(You can setup one Easy Time Demo Prim, take a copy and attach them to your other items without having to set anything up)
Important note:
Your items need to be set to no-mod.
Script is no-mod and has to be set to no-transfer.
- Works on anything (prim, mesh, attachments, etc)
- Time starts on first rez or wear
- Hover text on or off
- Set hover text color
- No lag!