FATPACK 2 sign full perm box

Details Leistungsmerkmale Inhalt 0 Rezensionen


Full Permission - copy, modify, transfer, 100% mesh,
2 Mesh Faces
All sales are final
Detailed and low land impact
With the purchase of my products you are agreeing with the terms of use

This is Full Permission for your personal building projects and sellable products.

The following conditions apply

Next owner permissions = Copy OR Transfer but NEVER both.
No Parts of this Item can be sold full perm
It must be sold - it is not to be given away as a group gift, hunt item, MM, lucky Chair or similar.
Failure to comply will result in appropriate DCMA action and a Second Life Abuse Report.


  • FATPACK 2 sign full perm box



Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


CW Imports and Exports/Unlimited By CW Henhouse
Verkauft von: CW Henhouse

Auspacken erforderlich

Dieser Artikel kann nur in einem speziellen Ort in Second Life (wie z. B. in einer Sandbox) ausgepackt und benutzt werden.

empty star empty star empty star empty star empty star
0 Rezensionen
  • Kopie
  • Ändern
  • Übertragen
  • Benutzerlizenziert
Automatische Neulieferung
Netz: 100 % Netz
Auswirkung auf Land: 1