G Generell

FINCA - TeddyBun White (add me)

FINCA - TeddyBun White (add me)

White version of a sweet and lovely teddy bunny, very nice touch for any ocation. Perfect for a friend or your Valentine's.

It comes in 4 versions: attachable, rezz with or without ballons and a floating bunny.

Buy as gift at the Mainstore.

1. Go to the store.
2. Left clic on the vendor.
3. Select the option gift of the pop up menu.
From here you just need to follow the popup dialog instructions.
4. Write the SL name of the person you want to give the gift to.
5. Right clic the vendor again and select pay.
>The Item will be delivered to the person you indicated.

Specially boxed for a Gift! ♥

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • 100% Mesh
  • Valentines
  • 14 february
  • toy