FLECHA Yuri Outfit fullperm - Fitted mesh

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Full-permission FITTED MESH for:
-SLink Hourglass
-SLink Physique
-Maitreya Experimental
-SL Avatar version - Fitted mesh
-Belleza Venus, Isis & Freya versions

DAE files
Full-permission TEXTURES
Full-permission SHADOWMAPS
Full-permission AO MAPS
Full-permission SpecularMaps
Full-permission Normal Maps
Full-permission UVMAPs
Full-perm Alpha Layer

The outfit is in 3 separated parts (which are linked), so you can separate them too, to sell for example, the sweater alone.

All our sculps are full perm. In pack you can find a DEMOSTRATION, Texture, sculpmap and shadowmap. If you have any trouble please send us a notecard. no IM's.

Do not share sculpt maps. When you buy this sculpmap you purchase a license to use it for your creations. You can transfer or resell only with this permission:


Transfer this sculp with all permits, is not allowed.
All creations can be used in Second Life, also you can use it in others grids. If you want to use it in another grid, please send a notecard with your selected grid and your avatar name with the transaction.

If you are interested in a sculp, script or any type of custom creation, please send a notecard to Flecha Warwillow.

Any violation of these terms of use may be reported to the DMCA provided it does not reach a settlement between the parties involved.

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Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
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this so lovely
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 30.6.2017 von LveMeNotMadNadz

you can do so much with it love it ty

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5 Stars is not enough
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 12.2.2017 von Taury Barbee

I had so much enjoyment making this item. Adding my own textures and staying with the Kawaii theme. Easy to texture. Great affordable product!

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Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Demoversion holen
Flecha Creations
Flecha Creations
Verkauft von: Flecha Warwillow

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