Fetching Poses - Female #31

Fetching Poses - Female #31
Included Baloon
Information and Contact: Note card for Dean Joe in Sl.
Informação e contato: Mande note card em SL para Dean Joe.
Contacto e informaciones en SL :Dean Joe
Photography By Dean Joe
Artikel in Second Life anzeigenLimited to just "Rez"
The balloons are pretty but "no add/wear" option without using the ball. You can use it either on your own land (perhaps a studio as well) or on sandboxes but not in places with no rez permission. Pity because there are plenty of nice places where you can use these balloons for a nice snap shot for the Easter.
L$ 50
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Dieser Artikel wird in Second Life direkt an Sie oder einen Freund geliefert. Er ist bereits ausgepackt und kann sofort verwendet werden. Es ist weder Land noch eine Sandbox erforderlich.
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