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Fiat 126p purple

Fiat 126p purple
Fiat 126p purple
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Fiat 126 (centoventisei) - designed car FIAT plant, produced in Italy in the years 1972-1980, and in Poland from 6 June 1973 to 22 September 2000 (Polish Fiat 126p) [1]. Polish license version was produced by The Car Factory "Polmo" Bielsko-Biala Bielsko-Biala and Tychy. Its predecessor was the Fiat 500, the successor to the Fiat Cinquecento.

For many years he was one of the most common cars on Polish roads, lived to a great many colloquial names and customary, of which the most popular - Toddler, became at the end of production of this model (1997) of its official name.

A total of 4 671 586 126 Fiats pieces, of which arose in Italy 1 352 912 units [1]. In Poland, produced a total of 3 318 674 pieces of Fiats 126, of which in Bielsko-Biala - 1 152 325, and in Tychy - 2 166 349 [1]. In Austria, 2,069 pieces [citation needed] Italy's Fiat has been enriched by including powerful boxer engine by Steyr [2], and the heater.

Marzenie każdej polskiej rodziny teraz w zasięgu Twojego portfela. Niestety ze względu na małe gabaryty nie można kochać się na tylnej kanapie ( testowałem z Katią, Weroniką, Patiną, Nigellą, Gochą, Freya, Zuzakiem i Joana V ). A i jeszcze jedno, jeździ się ciulowo, tak samo jak prawdziwym maluchem.

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L$ 49

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Media Company Brzeg
Verkauft von: Franz Strzelecki

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