Are you a person of solitude? Do you need a place where you can retreat from the madness of modern day life?
Are you an explorer that gets homesick as soon as you step out the door? Do you have good taste?
Look no further, Here's the solution!
The Floating Solitude is your salvation!
In this highly original (except for that one movie) ship I have created a floating home. With this, you and your friends can go on long journeys without leaving the comforts of home. Or perhaps this is just for you and no one else? Perhaps this will be for when you just want to escape it all. Be alone. Be free.
The Floating Solitude can take up to 8 passengers and you can assign a guest pilot so your friend can fly it as well.
I had a vision when I built this. So if the Floating Solitude becomes popular I can totally see myself building more platforms like this. More houses, a bar, a forest, maybe a landing pad - all sorts of stuff. And all of them would use balloons and be flyable like this one. Then people can form a collective and come together in the sky, dock with each other and create a small society. Have big parties, talk of their explorations and just live way up in the sky!
Wouldn't that be awesome?!
If you want to see that happen, write a review and let me know what you think of that idea and the Floating Solitude.
Have fun!
- Flyable
- Seats for 8 passengers
- Custom wind sounds
- Attention graber
This is amazing
For when your ears are still ringing from partying on the floating club. Just grab one of these and relax.
Amazing and you can modify as much as you like!
Using this as a base, I have created so many versions of this amazing thing. The builder (Harvey Jillybean) helped me get going quite a bit and I have taken off from there, modifying on a whim and creating alternate looks and styles. Harvey Jillybean is a wonderfully nice and helpful builder. I just love this thing!
Love it
This is what sl is all about. Fantasy and fun. Not rebuilding stuff we already have in rl.
Looking forward for other constructions. Thank you.
Круть! летучая дача, прилинковываются нормально разные "доп опции", лаг при переходе симов небольшой, летает быстро - можно удирать от береговой охраны на черномМоре:3
Perfect for cruising
I love this little build, great for idly cruising over the landscape to see what SL has to offer. Of course it is hurt by object no-entry areas, ban-lines and poorly configured security systems, but that's not the fault of the craft.
Lovely for gently wafting over Blake's Sea and watching the boats float by.