Folklore: south africa Shweshwe dress FATPACK Version Dres Mesh

Folklore dress: south africa Shweshwe dress FATPACK
Product description:
This Suit is inspired by the South African Shweshwe culture. The design of the sleeves has ruffles and the skirt has a mermaid cut.
Available individually in a single tone or in Fatpack with availability to change the colors of each piece giving it a unique style to suit our customers.
includes all textures. necklace and makeup sold separately.
This dress is compatible with:
Legacy Perky
Legacy Classic
Maitreya X
This Product is only editable and copyable, NOT resellable.
Product characteristics:
Mesh bento body compatible with the Dress is required for use.
The dress is created under the limits allowed by second life
totally mesh.
Please try demo before purchasing.
Thanks for your purchase.
"All rights reserved"
2023.Mony Birman.FolkloreStore.
- afric
- african
- africano
- dress
- fatpack
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