G Generell

CBB-123 Full Perm

CBB-123 Full Perm

This item can be sold and purchased FULL PERM
only by/from coolbigbird. Buying this item from an
UNAUTHORIZED seller will lead to a
DMCA/Copyright infringment report for the
seller and buyer.
Model Two Slink mesh and Three Belleza mesh and Maitreya and JOMO shop Female werewolf and Fox.
Sample texture
Multi-faces map
UV maps

1.The price can not be less than 10% of its current selling price.
2.You are not allowed to give this product, or parts of them in any kind full perm away. for example ,you can not sell it in a suit unless the price ot the suit is higher than the price of the product( at least 10% of it’s current selling price)
3.To use this model to your design, you should make your own texture for it .
4.you can't give/send/sell it to others in any king of full perm(etc. put it into any kind of free gift or use it in free hunt),it will cause DCMA.

  • cool
  • sexy
  • hot
  • cute
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star empty star
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Very Pretty
full star full star full star full star empty star Veröffentlicht 29.12.2018 von darbypossum

This is a really pretty outfit. The only problem is that there is no specific fitmesh for the Husky body, which I have, so the bottoms don't work for me. I hope you'll consider adding fitmesh sizes for the Jomo Husky!

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