G Generell

[GS] Taurus Chopper - Bike - Motorbike **New Price Version V 6.1

[GS] Taurus Chopper - Bike - Motorbike  **New Price


*2 Chopper - Men and Girl Size
*Menu driven - Advanced physics and handling with menu-driven control over most performance settings
*Menu adjustable controls system
*HUD/menu driven
*Parts color/shine change
*4 Speedometer textures - 2 white 2 black
*KCP v5 Scripts
*2Camera settings - follow and sports.
*32 Prims
*Lock / unlock - friends can drive
*Group access - only group members can drive
*Passenger (camera settings ) on/off
*Alarm on/off
*Exhaust smoke on/off
*Brake light
*Light on/off
*Wheels flame by light on
*Drive lefr/right pose - idle pose - park pose -
*Start / stop engine
*Flight mode
*2 sound sets
*Automatic / manual
*Get hud button
*Resize - integrated root script resizer ,adjustment your Avatar
*Drive , left/right , idle , park , reverse , start pose.
*Sit position adjust [Passenger seperat - click left the seat]
*Control Settings for : Gears-Brake-Banking-Steering-Skid-Boost-Bounce -add / remove gears , and more..
*Volume + -
*Park mode
*Extra Mouselook Steering avaible.

Drive HUD :
The vehicle can be operated by touch menu, or with the KCP Driver HUD. The driver HUD gives you quick access to 36 operation functions via expandable menu bars, from basic light, gear change, and alarm on/off functions, as well as extended functions such as loading pre-set camera settings, swapping park poses, or activating racing commands like track alignment or position record and recover. The vehicle owner (or guest driver) can retrieve a copy of it from the vehicle's pop-up menu system. Vehicle owners must touch or mount the vehicle with their Driver HUD attached in order to connect it to the vehicle. The Driver HUD disconnects automatically when exiting the vehicle, but the owner can simply touch the vehicle again to re-connect. Guest drivers (non-owners) must be seated on the vehicle in order to use a Driver HUD.
Play with the settings for you best drive.Look for Steering ,Bounce, banking under controls .

*This complete system overhaul takes advantage of new SL scripting commands, and many previous issues and quirks have been fixed and performance is greatly improved
1 Drag mode is switched on through the Menu or HUD. It puts the bike in a special high-speed physics mode. You want to switch this on just before you race, not for casual driving. Set your car in a very high gear, switch on Drag Mode and go .
2Resizer System :still works in conjunction with the park routine. The resizer system even adjusts the bike's main performance settings accordingly. Resizing the bike also makes the bike automatically adjust the basic performance settings.
3Group Access is turned on/off from the menu, it unlocks the car for anyone wearing the same group tag the car is set to.
4 POSES SETUP TOOL for easy adjust your poses.(Pasenger Pose adjust if Passenger sit .Click the seat and change position.
- Menu adjustable controls system! Change gear settings, add & remove gears, brake level, skidding, steering sdjustments, NOS level and more - all from the user menu!
- Menu-adjustable BOOST level. Controls overall power for your existing gear set!
- Optional menu-adjustable camera module! Adjust and customize your camera settings.The bike has a camera function with two memory locations.
7Menu driven Avatar positioning - no typing required
8Passenger : Can be turned off from the main menu and passenger can be ejected.Pose adjust and camera adjust.
9 Automatic brake light, and switchable headlight.
and much more


To drive the bike right click it and select the option from the pie menu.

Use the arrow keys to accelerate, brake, and steer.

To shift gears, press the SHIFT key and the left or right arrow key.

To drive in reverse you will need to select reverse gear

For sharp turns at speed, skid out by pressing the back arrow while turning.

Click on the car for the menu system. From here you can access the customization options and position adjust as well as the lock system and handling options.

By problems with delivered or questions please IM me . Garry Sporg

  • Menu/HUD , Park Routine
  • 32 Prims , Burning Wheels By Light On
  • Barrel Smoke , Resize,Mens/Girls Size
  • Idle/Run/Park/left/right Pose , Burnout , Auto-Manuel
  • Pose Position Setting and many more...
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern
  • 5 Stern:
  • 4 Stern:
  • 3 Stern:
  • 2 Stern:
  • 1 Stern:
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 25.5.2018 von SophiaEngland2

This is a great bike, especially for the money, looks good and sounds good. Easy to ride, worth every L$

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 1.9.2016 von kabadaxe

I am telling you right now you will not find a better bike for the price!!! it looks good and rides good! AND ITS LOW PRIMS!!!!!

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
So Cool!!!
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 22.1.2016 von AngeliqueNicole69

I am a female rider in real so figured I would try a bike in SL. Being new to bikes in SL i figured I would try a bike that didn't cost very much just in case I didn't like it. I purchased your bike for L$80 I did not expect too much.... wow was i surprised!!!! Awesome bike to say the least. Your details on the bike were every thing that bike does and its so much fun to ride.. I love the fact you added a female version of the bike. Awesome job I have so much fun riding it .. I really do look forward to purchasing more bikes from you... Thanks for sharing your awesome bike building talent with us. :)

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
great bike
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 9.8.2012 von Zhoy34

i love this bike. very well done, motor noise, great movement, and the ability to change the camera view is truly magnificent. 5 stars is very little. great job

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
Looks Good
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 23.6.2012 von CJBafey

Didn't care for the continuous shifting.

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
thank you
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 21.6.2012 von adam2010 Onyett

Thanks too much for this fantastic bike love your work ************ needs more then 5 stars

War diese Rezension hilfreich?