[Gauze] Child of Tiamat+ Appliers Fantasy

Details Leistungsmerkmale Inhalt Rezensionen (3)


face scales in translucent colors, designed to enhance unnatural skin tones.
Can be worn over any skin, for varying effects.
These makeup tattoos utilize Omega and Materials. Not all heads are compatible. Please check Omega's website to see if materials work with your mesh, and always try demos before purchasing.
Thank you for shopping Seydr (Formally Gauze). This store is retired to the MP.
☪In-World Store: Closed Indefinitely. There will be no new products or updates.
☪ All Items are sold as is. There will be no refunds.
☪ Always try demos. Ads and descriptions always clearly list what an item is and does. It won't do or be anything more than what the description states.
I retired my store and am just continuing to sell items on the MP for anyone who wants them.
Please do not contact me for anything other than double purchases.

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Veröffentlicht 16.9.2021 von Seto Kardex 5 Sterne

I use these for a couple different avatars and I love them. My only issue now is that they don't have a BOM update so I can't update those avis to BOM! Is there a chance of an update in the future for that?

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great detail

Veröffentlicht 15.9.2021 von Planta Blep 5 Sterne

adds that little extra something <3

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Verkauft von: Revna Macabre
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  • 5 Sterne 3 Rezensionen

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