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Go&See * Kat * Shape Lelu/Sasha-Legacy

Go&See * Kat * Shape Lelu/Sasha-Legacy
Go&See * Kat * Shape Lelu/Sasha-Legacy
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Go&See * Kat * Shape
✨ ................................... ✨

Some of you have been requesting new shapes for quite some time, and I'm happy to be able to provide them to you all.

So, without further ado, I'd like to kick off this line-up with my third new shape, which I've affectionately dubbed Kat.

Here's what you need to know about her:

‣ Kat's shape was designed exclusively for the LeLutka Sasha mesh head and Legacy Perky mesh body.

‣ Kat includes a detailed styling card, landmarks, and a brow shape to help you get that flawless, pink rock star chick look you've been after.

‣ The shape can be changed, copied, but not transferred. As such, always make backup copies of your shape before changing it. If not, you can always go to the main store for a redelivery.

Kat gives me major pink princess vibes. Isn't she stunning, everyone?

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L$ 600

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Verkauft von: Kristyna Wikifoo

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