[H] The Wastelander Den

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The Wastelander Den is a whole parcel in postapocalyptic/desert theme. All of parts are maked from mesh, the main part have defined high physic so collision area fit perfectly to shape. I tried make it as flexible as possible, i didnt bake textures where posiible so you can move, add and remove almost every parts, but it is still very detailed and realistic. There is many sit spots to spend there time with friends, also i put there billboard template so you can make your own texture with event notification, place name or something. There is also wind sand blow emitter, and desert sounds emitter (if you wanna remove it delete sound scripts from trees and put ctrl + alt + t to see transparent things reduce particles in graphic options to 0, unlink invissible emiters ctrl + shift + L and delete them).

• To rezz you need parcel with area size 4096 m2. I tried do rezz proces as simple as possible so you just must rezz "The Wastelander Den" on your parcel (its big so if you cant do that try do it nearly sim borders not parcel borders) if you rezz it fit to your parcel size and water height. Next thing is red box on the middle of den, just click on it and rezz rest of parts, after rezzing save it and unlink red box (ctrl+shift+L) remove it and thats it.

• In pack you find whole parcel and additional decorations:

The Wastelander Den (whole parcel) - 230 prims, 60x60.


Interactive fireplace - 12 prims (sittable).
Billboard - 3 prims.
Matress on palettes - 3 prims (sittable).
Road Barriers - 1 prim (sittable).
Car Wreck 1 and 2 - 6 prims each.
Tires - 1 prim (sittable).
Wood Palette - 1 prim.
Barrel with wood palette - 2 prims (sittable).
Single Barrel - 1 prim (sittable).
Bench - 2 prims (sittable for 3 people).
Fence 1,2 and 3 - 2 prims each.
Power Line Poles 1 - 13 prims.
Power Line Poles 2 - 10 prims.
Single Power Line Pole - 2 prims.
Desert Bush - 0.5 prim (yes its not mistake if you link two you get one prim ;)
Desert Dead Tree - 7 prims (Include desert wind sound emiter).
Big Roff (or platform if you want) - 3 prims.
Small Roof - 4 prims.
Wind dust blow emitter (with sound) - 3 prims (after fit make it invissible in build mode, just set transparency to 100%).

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This, i love this!
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 16.4.2014 von Maffi Lu

Seriously tho, its great! At first i was squinting my eyes at the price, but the 8ball told me to do it.
And you don't disagree with the 8ball - because, 8ball knows best. And how right 8ball was!

Against the recommendation, i am using this as a skybox - just slap a 100x100 prim as water on it its bottom and you are good to go. and there is so much space to hang out, or build/work. There is something for everyone.

Worth every penny/cap/linden! :D

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Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Verkauft von: Serbitar Nemeth

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