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I Love Being Married To You Card

I Love Being Married To You Card

A card for that special man in your life. Let him know how much he means to you on your anniversary. Card measures 1m x 1.5m when closed. Opens when touched.

Front Text: I Love Being Married to You....I love the boy in you- the one with the big grin and warm hugs who says and does so many things that make life a lot of fun..

Inside Text: I love the man who holds my hand, kisses me passionately, and whispers in my ear as he holds me close, telling me that everything is going to be alright. I Lve You!
Happy Anniversary My Love

Please IM Kristy McBride with any questions.

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L$ 50

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Fancy Schmancy Greeting Cards
Verkauft von: Kristy McBride

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