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.ID. Dynamic Eyes / Starter HUD / Sunset

.ID. Dynamic Eyes / Starter HUD / Sunset
.ID. Dynamic Eyes / Starter HUD / Sunset
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*Please double check the item listing name and photos to make sure you are purchasing your desired color*

Dynamic Eyes are a pair of scripted mesh eyes with 2 layers - one for color & one for shine. All the options you see in the first photo are included with this purchase.

The pupil & sclera options included here are exclusive to this starter HUD. Add-ons for color & shine are available at the in-world store.

*For a limited time, VIP group members get a 25% discount on this product when purchased in-world*


  • Scripted mesh eyes
  • HUD controlled
  • Single color
  • Multiple pupil & sclera options
  • Multiple shine options

L$ 50

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


.ID. [Insufferable Dastard]
.ID. [Insufferable Dastard]
Verkauft von: Audrey Lamede

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Geeignet für klassische und Netz- Avatare
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