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{ID} Lyra Repurposed Fireplace Clay {add to unpack}

{ID} Lyra Repurposed Fireplace Clay {add to unpack}
{ID} Lyra Repurposed Fireplace Clay {add to unpack}
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☆The Lyra Repurposed Fireplace is a unique decor piece to add to your builds, either interior or exterior, that you may decorate with your own items, or simply leave as is☆

☆original mesh☆
☆models included with or without flowers☆
☆additional flower bunch included in order to decorate your build to match☆
☆Modifiable through resize script which is included. A simple click on the mesh will bring up the menu. Item is 4Li at original size. If you resize the mesh, the land impact will change, as with all meshes☆
☆materials enabled. Be sure to play with your windlight settings to get optimal results☆

☆Thank you for choosing Inner Demons☆

☆If you have any questions or issues with the item, please contact me via notecard before leaving a negative comment, i will gladly help you ♥☆

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L$ 157

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Inner Demons
Inner Demons
Verkauft von: Calaveritas

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Netz: 100 % Netz
Auswirkung auf Land: 4