The package that you receive contains these 3 objects
A solid mesh Afghanistan wall – 1 prim – 3 land impact
An Afghanistan wall with an arch ( that you can walk under) – 5 prims – 3 land impact
An Afghanistan wall with an arch ( that you can’t walk under) – 1 prim – 3 land impact
The walls are textured to match the other JVT Afghanistan products and desert terrain
With all the walls, because they are mesh when you extend them their land impact will increase. The arched wall that you can walk under comes in parts and is not linked. If you link the object then you will not be able to walk under the arch.
JVT does not give refunds, but if you have any problems with the product or it does not arrive then please contact the store owner directly, before badly rating the product. If you do like the product then please take the time to write a review, thank you.