Joolee Tee Builders - Tree Branch Wall Hanging

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Tree Branch Wall Hanging

4 LI

By purchasing this product you agree to the following terms and conditions:
You may not:

* - Sell, give away, or trade any portion of the contents with full permissions. Each item must be set to COPY/MOD/ NO TRANSFER or NO COPY /TRANSFER.

* - Release as a "FREEBIE" item or price under 99L

* - Products must be released as part of a larger product or set. For example you may not purchase a standalone lamp, apply a texture or color to it and then sell it as a standalone lamp. We can do that ourselves. Our goal is to help you enhance your builds not be a single stream product line.

* - Use is for Second Life Only All images, models and animations are original artworks by JOOLEE TEE DEZIGNS © COPYRIGHT 2021 (United States Copyright Office) Your purchase of any creative products that have been intended for personal, limited or extended commercial use is a “use license” only. You do not own the asset. JOOLEE TEE DEZIGNS retains all ownership and copyrights to the images/illustrations/animations/3dmodels or other materials purchased from JOOLEE TEE DEZIGNS.

* - Any violation of these terms will result in a DMCA notice and removal of any products that have not followed the License.



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Durchschnittliche Einstufung: 5 Sterne Verteilung
5 Stern:
4 Stern:  (0)
3 Stern:  (0)
2 Stern:  (0)
1 Stern:  (0)
As usual, wonderful quality.

Veröffentlicht 2.12.2021 von HeyJenJen 5 Sterne

Great mesh with easy to use maps.

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Joolee Tee
Joolee Tee
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Verkauft von: JulieAnne Somersley
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  • 5 Sterne 1 Rezensionen

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