*KK* 2022 - Fishing Rod - Blue / Red [C]

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★ *KK* 2022 - Fishing Rod - Blue / Red [C]

*KK* 2022 - Fishing Rod - Blue / Red [C] is a Decorative Custom Fishing Rod initially designed or created for the 7Seas Fishing Game in Second Life.

Now, it can also be used with the Virtual Fishing Game and other fishing game systems in Second Life that have an invisible rod or invisible rod feature.

This Decorative Custom Fishing Rod must be worn together with an official 7Seas Invisible Fishing Rod, an invisible official Virtual Fishing Rod or any invisible fishing rod on any fishing game systems in Second Life.

See instructions below.


1. If you have an official 7Seas Pro Fishing Rod then find your 7Seas Invisible or Phantom Pro Fishing Rod in your inventory.
2. Right click on it and choose Wear. It will attach on your right forehand.
3. After that, find your Decorative Custom Fishing Rod in your inventory, right click on it and choose Wear as well. It will attach on your right hand.
4. Find a nice fishing spot and start fishing.


NOTE: This Decorative Custom Fishing Rod can also be used with the new fishing game called Virtual Fishing.

1. If you have an official Virtual Fishing Rod then find it in your inventory, right click on it and choose Wear.
2. Find your Virtual Fishing HUD in your inventory, right click on it and choose Wear.
3. On your Virtual Fishing HUD, click on Options to open the Menu, in the Menu click Rod Options and click Visibility to turn your Virtual Fishing Rod invisible.
4. Find your Decorative Custom Fishing Rod in your inventory, right click on it and choose Add or Add To Worn.
5. Find an available Virtual Fishing Buoy and cast your Virtual Fishing Rod using your Virtual Fishing HUD.


1. Find the invisible version of your Fishing Rod in your inventory, right click on it and choose wear.
2. If the Fishing Rod is not yet invisible then turn it invisible using a command if it's available or simply edit it and change its Alpha to 100%.
3. Find your Decorative Custom Fishing Rod in your inventory, right click on it and choose either wear or Add or Add To Worn.
4. Find your Fishing Rod's fishing area and start fishing for items or Linden Dollars.

If you would like to fish for more custom items like decorative fishing rods, fishes and other items then please visit my place in Second Life. Just search for 3 Stars and a Sun or Kabalyero and the path to my place will open for you.

Thank you very much and Happy Fishing in Second Life! ^_^

Kabalyero Kidd
Builder, Explorer, Blogger

Blog: http://www.kabalyero.info
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kabalyero
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kabalyerosl


Kabalyero Kidd is a Third Party Decorative Custom Fishing Rod Builder and he is not part or related to 7Seas Fishing Game or Virtual Fishing Game or any fishing game systems in Second Life.



  • Custom Fishing Rod Design
  • 7Seas Fishing Game Compatible (must have invisible rod)
  • Virtual Fishing Game Compatible (must set to invisible mode)
  • Other Fishing Games (must have invisible fishing rod option)
  • Copyable

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Verkauft von: Kabalyero Kidd
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