G Generell

Kathy`s Garden Roses Landborder2.0

Kathy`s Garden Roses Landborder2.0

❀Kathy`s Garden❀

»Roses Landborder«



→Maple Spring Trees
→Rose Bush
→Camellia Bush
→Ground Vegetation

♡all you can see on the picture♡


●No Transfer

☑ This item is 100% Mesh ☑

If you have any problem or delivery issue, feel free to IM me in-world (mausideluxe resident) or send me a notecard.

Thanks for shopping at Kathy`s Garden

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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 24.5.2018 von Raphael Maesar

Looks fantastic on the land. now it be fantastic if you made some these Landborders work with different seasons so they wouldn't have to be uprooted for another plant. Hope that might be a future update~ hinthint

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