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Kingsize Barn

Kingsize Barn
Kingsize Barn
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Made from 275 prims prelinked into 8 parts, this huge barn building
covers 70 by 30 meters of floor space, has two and a half levels and
provides enough space for a bar on the ground floor, over a dozen
stalls you can rent out, a hayloft, and a huge balcony big enough
for a whirlpool and some benches or whatever else you want to set up.
All textures have been aligned by hand, all doors and windows can be
opened and closed by touch. This just might be one of the biggest
barn buildings on SL, just perfect for your country club, or to rent
out to a barnyard community.

L$ 590

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Pony Pony Store - Yina Yao
Verkauft von: Yina Yao

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