L&D Emoji ~ EnglishWord Control HUD (v 1.0) (BOX) Version 1.0

This HUD provides varieties of live texts and pictures emoji, which will enrich the chat you can make.
1.Show emoji by picking them from the HUD.
2.Customizable emoji aliases, which is monitored in normal chat, triggering the emoji automatically.
3.Customizable emoji bubble styles and fading time.
4.Customizable aliases displaying color
Package Content:
1. L&D Emoji ~ right Bubble (v 1.0) -----Emoji bubble, displaying on right
2. L&D Emoji ~ left Bubble (v 1.0) -----Emoji bubble, displaying on left
3. L&D Emoji ~ Control HUD (v 1.0) -----Emoji controlling HUD
4. L&D Emoji ~ *** install Pack (v 1.0) ----- The emoji *** installation pack, the name various depends on the package you bought
Usage Instruction:
Add one of the emoji bubble and the control HUD.
1. HUD interface
- touch the menu button to pop up the main menu
- touch the L&D logo, to hide or display the HUD
- touch the right arrow, to display next page of emoji
- touch the left arrow, to display previous emoji
- touch the emoji, to express it in emoji bubble
2. HUD main menu
1. <installed emoji pack names> ---- activate the emoji pack clicked
--> <emoji name or alias> ---- express the emoji in bubble
2. optionSet ---- open the setting menu
--> Bub-Size ---- adjust bubble size
--> Merge-Emoji ---- install new emoji installation pack, or merge multiple installation packs into one control HUD
* use this feature to merge multiple installation packs into one control HUD
* add the HUD and the installation pack to be installed or merged together
* click the button to start installation or merge
* same installation pack can't be installed twice
* different installation packs can be merged into one HUD
--> Del-Emoji...---- remove emoji pack from HUD
--> ○/● BubAlias ---- show or hide alias above bubble. Useful for setting aliases manually
--> ○/● ChatAlias ---- enable or disable sending aliases to chat when picking one on HUD
--> ○/● TriggerChat ---- enable or disable automatically express emoji according to chat
* Alias must be set
* Emoji will be express only according by alias
* First word matches aliases will be picked
--> SetAlias... ---- Set up emoji aliases
* Max alias length is limited to 24 characters
* alphabets or symbols can be used except the COMMA
* emoji names are started with letter f followed by 2 digits
-->--> <emoji name or alias> ---- click one to set/change its alias
-->--> Import...---- set alias names by importing the Setting String
* use COMMA as the separator, pairing emoji name and its alias, and separating pairs
* the Setting String should formated as emoji_name1,alias1,emoji_name2,alias2
* one example can be: f00,love,f01,thanks,f05,good
* the Setting String will be merged to the existing one (which can be get by "Export" it)
* for one time setting, 250 characters max can be used
* Settings will only effect the active Emoji Pack, go back to main menu to change active package if needed
* Export existing Setting String and make a backup is recommended
-->--> Export ---- Export existing Alias Setting String to chat
-->--> ResetAlias----Reset Emoji pack setting.
--> AliasColor...---- setup the alias displaying color, which shown above bubble
--> BubDelay... ---- setup showing time of bubble
* 0 means always display the bubble
--> BubStyle... ---- setup bubble style
--> ○/● HUDAlias ---- enable or disable picking emojis on HUD
--> UPDATE ---- acquire update information near the update orb in L&D inworld shop
--> ResetSCR ---- Reset all scripts to initial settings
- Show emoji by picking them from the HUD.
- Customizable emoji aliases, which is monitored in normal chat, triggering the em
- Customizable emoji bubble styles and fading time.
- Customizable aliases displaying color
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