~L/Fx~Floor Decor - Modern Rug. Terribly-hidden body with flies and plant!

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FLOOR DECOR : Terribly Hidden Body
by ~Lantian/Flox~

You too can completely fail at hiding a body in your home or place of business! Now with flies and judiciously-placed plant. :)

This is the MODERN RUG version, with square and circular patterns.


* 100% mesh

* Only 2 LI at size packaged (i.e., the length of an adult human body)

* Decent physics, so that people can walk over (not through!) the body.

* Special effects: custom particle-flies and buzzing-sounds (owner can click off/on).

* Original baked, photorealistic textures.

* Includes: corpse/body, rug, plant, and small blood pool.

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Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen

(  verbleibende Zeichen)
~Lantian Flox~
~Lantian Flox~
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Verkauft von: Wyvern Dryke
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  • Auswirkung auf Land: 2
  • Netz: 100 % Netz