G Generell

LasIslas Beach Bag

LasIslas Beach Bag

☺ Hello and thankyou for purchasing this new product.

★★★★★The Las Islas Beach Bags ★★★★★

Includes triple set of Bags options.
The two have slightly different types of bags,
The arm version is the one to be worn and comes in female and male versions , the Hanging version is mostly a prop of a bag you can hang around and the ground version is similarly one that you can drop on ground but has also the option to rez some prop other items around.
The texture scripts serve to be put inside other items like bags or hats from the towels that do not have that option for texture changing.

Just rez and enjoy.


Thankyou again and Enjoy .
❤ ㋛ ❤

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  • texture selection
  • item prop
  • single animations
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