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Leopard *Green&Ocean* MOD

Leopard *Green&Ocean* MOD
Leopard *Green&Ocean* MOD
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This is a Texture MOD for the TWI Wildcat, it will NOT work for any other avatar.

Inside this box you will find the following;
6 base textures as both Appliers and BOM(Universal) layers.

6 Markings as both Appliers and BOM(Universal) layers.

4 extra BOM(Universal) ONLY layers for tinting your nose/beans and or wearing just the extras over BOM in both the brown and pink. Incase you use BOM base and tint it.
[you can tint and make beans and nose glow with the TWI Cat HUD even if it is only Universal]

1 Applier ONLY for Normals and Speculars. (Needs advanced lighting enabled)

A notecard with some minor hand holding information about BOM for the TWI cat and how to use it.

As always, thank you for your interest in my products, and feel free to contact me In-World if you have any questions or concerns!

The tail and fluffs in the adpics are from BRDMRT

  • 6 Base Textures for the TWI Wildcat as both Appliers and BOM(Universal) Layers
  • 6 Markings for the TWI Wildcat as both Appliers and BOM(Universal) Layers
  • 2 BOM(Universal) Layers as BOM only for tinting nose, beans
  • 2 BOM(Universal) Layers as BOM only for overlaying extras in brown and pink
  • 1 Applier with Speculars and Normals, and an Infocard

L$ 275

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Cat Cult Inc.
Cat Cult Inc.
Verkauft von: Shades Tigerauge

Auspacken erforderlich

Dieser Artikel kann nur in einem speziellen Ort in Second Life (wie z. B. in einer Sandbox) ausgepackt und benutzt werden.

Dieses Produkt enthält tragbare Artikel für Ihren Avatar.

Geeignet für TWI Wildcat-Avatare
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