G Generell

Letis Tattoo :: Inermis Sleeve Color :: Tattoos Bakes On Mesh & Legacy Maitreya and more Appliers

Letis Tattoo :: Inermis Sleeve Color :: Tattoos Bakes On Mesh & Legacy Maitreya and more Appliers

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The package contains:

:-> Available in 4 shades
:-> Tattoo Layers (Bakes On Mesh)

:: Appliers HUD

:-> Omega Evolved
:-> Maitreya
:-> TheMeshProject
:-> Slink Physique Avatar Body
:-> Belleza
:-> Legacy


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I guess tattoos just can't be lined up.
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 9.9.2017 von Clare Evergarden

I don't wear tattoos often with my avatars, and this one has made me accept that I shouldn't, this one makes the 5th tattoo I've gotten in the last two days, that is misaligned at the seems along the top of the shoulder and around the arm joint, tried it on both the Slink Hourglass body and the Maitreya body, my ocd can't handle it XD

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voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 23.7.2016 von Arya Starling

Looks great on my male TMP body.

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