G Generell

Lindo HUD: explore, grow, earn Version v5.45

Lindo HUD: explore, grow, earn

Preliminary information
1. The Lindo Flower Game experience for alternate or dedicated accounts is being discontinued.
If an "Error code: 100" is encountered, please consult Lindo's TOS #2 at http://www.lindocreations.com/#tos for more information.

2. This HUD only works on accounts older than 60 days at least.

What is Lindo - Virtual Flower?

│ Lindo HUD is an in-game virtual flower HUD which allows you to
│ earn lindens while watering a flower to grow it.
│ When attached, it will show on your screen as a HUD,
│ so there is no need for external avatar attachments,
│ and no need to rez anything either.

How Many Lindens Can I Earn?

│ This varies according to conditions, but when you grow a
│ flower by watering it regularly, you can earn between L$5-13 within an hour.
│ Current minimum earning ratios are exactly as follows:

│ L$ 0.02-0.08 for each growing step.

│ However, your earning ratios are not limited in this way.
│ For more details, please check "Can I Earn More Lindens?" below.

How Do I Use Lindo - Virtual Flower?

│ The steps are fairly simple!

│ 1. Attach the Lindo HUD.
│ 2. Click on the MENU-STATS button.
│ 3. Click on the "Get a location" button.
│ 4. Click on the given teleport address to teleport to the suggested location.

│ Now all you have to do is grow the flower by clicking on the water can!

What Do These Indicators, Buttons, and other Tools Do?

│ Indicators:
│ 1. Earned L$: Shows the amount of lindens you have earned.
│ 2. Experience (XP): Shows the amount of total grown flowers.
│ This also indicates your experience points, which improves your chances of an award winning ratio.
│ 3. Seeds: Shows the remaining seeds.
│ 4. Thirst: Shows the thirst percentage. When it reaches 100%, this means your flower is thirsty and stops growing.
│ Clicking on the water can will decrease this percentage, and will allow your flower to continue to grow.
│ 5. Progress: Shows the growth percentage of your flower.

│ Buttons:
│ 1. MENU-STATS: Shows the Menu-Statistics window or hides it.
│ 2. Bird: Activates the bird sounds to make life much more amazing.

│ Buttons on the "Menu - Statistics"
│ 1. Get a location: Gives you a random location to grow your flower at.
│ 2. Withdraw: Withdraws your current earned funds.
│ (See "How Many Lindens Can I Earn?")
│ 3. Web page: Opens Lindo main web page.

I Have Ran Out of Seeds, What Should I Do?

│ You can buy seeds from the seed boxes, which are placed near the Land Terminals.

The Sun Is No longer There?! What Do I Do?

│ Click the 'Get a location' button and teleport to the suggested location.
│ Always read the local chat first to see why there is no sun.

Can I Earn More Lindens?

│ Of course!

│ Check the event rates of the locations!
│ Event rates of the locations specifies your earning ratio.
│ To see 'high event rated' locations, look at "Game Locations" from our web page.
│ Event rates there will be listed under "Event"
│ For instance, if you prefer a location which has 2x Event,
│ that specific place will multiply your earnings by 2x.

│ There are different types of seeds that can boost the rate you gain XP:
│ 1) Regular Seed - 1x XP Gain
│ 2) Silver Seed - 2x XP Gain
│ 3) Golden Seed - 2x XP Gain (Golden seed also grows your flower faster).
│ The different kinds of seeds can be purchased near the terminal on the parcel/sim.

│ Visit "Ranks" from our web page to see the list of winners.

☎ I Have More Questions, Who Should I Contact?

│ Please don't hesitate to ask your questions to us anytime!

│ Web: www.thevirtualflowers.com
│ Group: Lindo
│ Creator: Sofistik Resident
│ or any of Lindo Helpers

│ This help file has been reviewed by the Official Article Manager: MajikVixen (bluevioletvixen.lorefield)

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thank you
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 6.3.2025 von MillyCasipei

Its working perfect

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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 5.3.2025 von Cedella

This is a fun way to pass time and make some lindens!

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
Es muy bueno
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 5.3.2025 von Chini Vanistok

Funciona correctamente en todos los mapas, es facil de usar, y una muy buena opcion de entretenerte y conocer sitios ademas de ganar lindens al mismo tiempo!! Gracias a los creadores por esto!!

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De uma olhada
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 4.3.2025 von BETOBH Artis

Não consigo comprar semetes

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good working hud
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 3.3.2025 von Shagani

yeah its working very well ty Lindo

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
Earn lindens
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 1.3.2025 von Sunreet

This hud works well along with the program itself. Many land owners use this to draw new people to their places. Its fun to explore and meet new people plus, why not earn a little while you do it. Thank you for this.

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