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{MT} Toy Storage Cabinet- Space (Unpacker) v2.7

{MT} Toy Storage Cabinet- Space (Unpacker) v2.7
{MT} Toy Storage Cabinet- Space (Unpacker) v2.7
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1. Copiable (rez as many as you need)
2. 12 labels, drawers open and close
3. Share toys with friends and family
4. Friends and family can put toys back
5. Keep your no copy items organized

This Storage Cabinet is designed to be used with Objects that have Transfer permissions. It can not give no-Transfer items to anyone but its Owner. Toys, books, games and even Gachas will all work perfectly, so long as they have transfer permissions. Items with Copy permissions will be given and a copy kept in the Cabinet, No-Copy items will be given to the user and will be removed from the Cabinet when given.

Quick Start:

• Touch the main cabinet for an Owners menu. Here you can set Access Permissions and view the log of things that have been taken:

> Search .............................. Will bring up the search dialog, more on that below.

> Group: ON/OFF ............... Sets if the cabinet is Owner only or Group access

> Allow/Forbid Drop ......... Set if people are allowed to add things to the drawers. This will allow ANYONE to add things. Items are added by dragging from Inventory to over the drawer you wish to add the item too then holding the CTRL key and releasing the item. It will then drop into the drawer.

> Log ...................................... Display the log of items taken from the system. Tracks the last 100 items.

> Clear Log .......................... Empty the log

• Touch a drawer you wish to take an item from - It will open.
• A menu will pop up listing the items in that drawer with options at the bottom to go to the next and previous menus when there are a large number of items.
• Select the menu number for the Item you want and it will be given to you, the drawer will close.

• Non-Owners get the 'Search' menu by default when touching the main cabinet, the Owner gets the Owners menu with the Search option - select 'Search' if you are using the system as the Owner.
• A text dialog box will pop up, type your search term in the box and submit it. Search in NOT case sensitive and will match within words. So 'A' will match any item with an A in its name. The results will be chatted to you directly, not in open chat.

Result: top-right: [#10] I have: TestItem Test 9 <--- Shows the Object was found, in the top-right box and is Item number ten, to help you find it quicker in the menu.

Changing the Labels
• This is an Owner only option.
• Click on the drawer you wish to change the label of and hold the mouse down. After about three seconds a menu will pop up with label options to select from.
• Select the label you want and it will be applied.

Moving to a new copy of your cabinet:
•If you need to move your items from an old cabinet to a new one, here are the steps:
1. right click edit
2. Check "edit linked" box
3. Click a box that holds your items
4. Click content tab on build window
5. Drag contents back into your inventory
6. Repeat for each box

Note: Holding shift will allow you to select more than one item at a time. Please be aware the warning message about no copy items is just letting you know you are taking your stuff from the box and a copy will not be left inside of it.

• Group access mode allows take access to any AV wearing the same group tag as the system is set to. You can check what group the system is set to by editing it.

• Allow Drop will allow anyone to drop items into the drawers. There is no practical way to limit it to Group members only.

• Once No-Copy items are added to the system it will become No-Copy overall and will appear as such in your inventory. This is a limitation of SL, as you can not copy a copy item that contains a no-copy item. You will always have the original Copy version in the folder it comes in, you can rez as many as you like.

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • Copiable (rez as many as you need)
  • 12 labels, drawers open and close
  • Share toys with friends and family
  • Friends and family can put toys back
  • Keep your no copy items organized

L$ 300

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~*Messy Tots*~
Verkauft von: TrynlaeMorana

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