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Male - Naga - Cobra Avatar - Snake

Male - Naga -  Cobra Avatar - Snake
Male - Naga -  Cobra Avatar - Snake
2 Rezensionen

Great for Role Play Naga avatar or Giant Cobra Avatar

For Naga Avatar, detach the Avatar Hide and Cobra Head and wear your chosen skin.

To make a hissing sound double left click the Cobra Head, it will hiss for a few seconds and stop (the double click is to avoid others clicking the head and making the hissing sound).

The Spit Venom Weapon can be attached anywhere. Once you go to mouselook or hit the M key just aim and fire with a left click.
Venom (sound and particles) will then be spit at your victim doing 5 damage on a Spell Fire 1 meter.

  • Animated head movement
  • Animated tail
  • Snake sound
  • Spell Fire Venom weapon
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star empty star empty star
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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 27.3.2014 von reyka980 Roxley

Its a great avatar if youre looking for something that is affordable,you get your money's worth


War diese Rezension hilfreich?
Practically useless.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 12.1.2013 von Trin Graves

Unless you want to sit completely stationary, this avatar is useless. The tail remains in the same solid coil, you can't walk wearing it. The seller /refuses/ to help unsatisfied customers, as well. There is no demo, and there was no warning that the tail wasn't walk-friendly. This item is advertised as an "Animated head and tail", but the animation is limited to a little flick at the tip.

If you're fine with sitting in one position without walking while using this avatar, you might get some use out of it. Anyone who wants to actually /move/ while wearing it will be sorely disappointed.

War diese Rezension hilfreich?

L$ 250

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Magic Of Legend - Virtual Alchemy
Verkauft von: Legend Hye

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Dieser Artikel kann nur in einem speziellen Ort in Second Life (wie z. B. in einer Sandbox) ausgepackt und benutzt werden.

Dieses Produkt enthält tragbare Artikel für Ihren Avatar.

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