Mesh object - Full Permission ! Bookcase, 2Prims!

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Mesh product, Bookcase, Builder Kit \ Decoration & Design tool, Full Permission.

~ Package include: Mesh object, textures, shadow maps, UV maps, built sample and Note-cards ~

- Full Permission Mesh Object -
Prepared in advance physical shape and different faces, No need phantom prims, High quality in low primitives.
* Required mesh viewer such : newest SL viewer or firestorm (mesh support), product tested on both viewers.*

- Full Permission Image files -
Organize UV map, Color Texture, Shadow bakes for object and floor. Size for all image file is 1024x1024 pixsel.

- Full Permission Sample Objects -
Logical Built Sample Objects with reasonable size proportions, textureing & parameters. 2 prims in total.

- NC's -
inside the pack you will find 3 Note-cards, Please read them at least once to understand better the product.
( 1 ) KTZ License agreement ( 2 ) basic explanation abut mesh objects ( 3 ) Debugging your LOD info card.

~ Note ~ As a merchant i work hard to create and build this product and page,
in the strongest request i'll be Grateful if customers will find few moment to review \ rate this product


License Agreement / Terms of Use

By buying this product you are agreeing to the following terms of use:
you NOT ALLOWED to share, resell, repack, give away, distributed, redistribute, publish, or trade KTZ ("ktzitz bravitz" files, items, prims & objects) in any from.
you NOT ALLOWED to use KTZ ("ktzitz bravitz" files, items, prims & objects) outside of second life (R) virtual world.
("ktzitz bravitz" files, items, prims & objects) are building aid, you may use KTZ product to aid you make your own creations
but you NOT ALLOWED to sell or give away your creations as a Copy + Transfer or Full permission.
To be able sell your creations legal way, Permissions must be limited to:
(1) Copy only (2) Transfer only (3) Copy/Modify, or (4) Transfer/Modify.
but You are NOT ALLOWED to sell the product as it already exists, you have to merge the product with some complex creation.
by keeping the original KTZ package (box) that you purchased, means you received the legal rights to use KTZ product.
any illegal activities against this License Agreement / Terms of Use, will be reported.
- please follow this agreement and enjoy my product -

KTZ product © Ktzitz Bravitz

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KTZ Product ©
KTZ Product ©
Verkauft von: Ktzitz Bravitz

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