Moorish arches - 1 LI each - 2 FULL PERMS Meshes
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You are about to buy « Moorish arches - 1 LI each - 2 FULL PERMS Meshes »
* Before buying, you can rezz this item in-world following the "See item in Second Life" link below.
2 full perms mesh objects coming each :
- a "faces to texture"
- a textured sample
Included, in full perms too :
- 6 diffuse textures (the ones shown on the textured samples) that allow you to texture things around too if you wish.
- A link to the main UVs and main shades.
Up to 8 faces to texture on each object. I fixed the faces to be easy to texture and you won't need UV Maps because almost all sides are set 1:1, you will just have to apply your textures. Then just fix the offsets when needed.
However, if you want to apply non repeatable textures, or textures with shades for sample, a link leads you to the UV Maps of the faces that are not tiles.
One land impacts each at 3.000 x 3.000 x 0.690 meters.
Link two, it reminds one land impact.
These are full perms 100 % meshes made of my own : 100 % Original Content. It also means I made them from A to Z by myself, and they are not imported from 3D libraries... Textures are from me too.
YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE OR SELL "AS IS" : You must make it part of a more important build : i.e. a prefab.
YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE AS FREEBIE, DOLLARBIE, Midnight Mania, charity and such. Those kind of "marketing tools" kill Second Life economy and designers creativity.
Meshes land impact (LI) depends of the size you give it. The larger the size is, bigger the LI is. To you to determine the ideal size in relation to your goals.
* Before buying, you can rezz this item in-world following the "See item in Second Life" link below.
Thanks and enjoy ;-)
Pierre Ceriano
If you wish to join me or to follow my work :
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- 2 FULL PERMS Mesh objects
- One land impacts each at 3.000 x 3.000 x 0.690 meters
- 6 diffuse textures
- A link to the main UVs and main shades.
Excellent 3D detail, looks very real!
All his stuff is well made - great work !! just missing an AO - Texture :)
L$ 149
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