G Generell

NGD Druid Ogham Texture Pack

NGD Druid Ogham Texture Pack

Ogham Alphabet textures which appear carved into wooden background, providing accurate depiction of Druid Stick alphabet.

Included in the set is a poster which names each letter and its corresponding modern equivalent.

Ng Design textures are sold and licensed with full perms so that you can apply them to prims used in creating any items for your personal or commercial use. Even though these textures are full perm they are still copyrighted and are not, under any circumstances to be resold or given away.
Please appreciate the time and skill that goes into creating my textures and respect my rights as a content creator so that I may continue to share my love of creating with all of you. Below is the list of terms.

In making a purchase from Ng Designs you are purchasing a limited license which allows you to:

1. Use my textures in the Linden Lab Second Life grid and the beta test grid.

2. Use our textures as part of your personal and commercial creations providing that they are not available full perm to your end user.

3. Make a copy of my textures on your local computer for the purposes of backing up your inventory.

Please understand that you do not have the right to use my textures in any manner not explicitly stated above. In an effort to make it easier to understand (because we know how confusing the issue of copyright is) below is a general list of those things which you may not do with my textures.

1. You may NOT take my Textures outside of the Linden Lab Second Life public grids. My textures cannot be used on other grids/platforms, in other games, or for any other usage outside of this platform.

2. You may NOT give away or sell my textures in Second Life, another grid, or on the web, this also applies to any modified textures as well.

3. You may NOT provide full perm copies of my textures with your builds.

4. You may NOT sell, give away, or use outside of Second Life any of my textures you may have modified.

This Agreement governs the terms by which you obtain the right to use content created by Ng Designs. This Content License Agreement is supported in part by the Membership Agreement required by Second Life and its Terms of Service (TOS), to which you bound yourself upon creation and use of an account with Linden Lab http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php; and by United State Copyright law. By accepting this document into your inventory and/or making a purchase or receiving and retaining content from Ng Designs, you consent to be bound by this Agreement.

If you do not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, you must, with due diligence, delete ALL of my Content from your creations, inventory, and/or any other means by which you have stored my Content.

Thank you for shopping with Ng Designs

Naeve Greybeard.

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  • original hand drawn textures
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