The ultimate in hosting tools!
Hud Includes:
* Hosting Gestures with text and sound
* Give items with one click (Notecard, Landmarks, Group Links)
* Broadcast to unlimited distances for large clubs
* Send individual notifications on a drop down box
* Rezz Essential Items (Tip Boards, chat helper bots)
* And More!
Extended Info:
Each Gesture contains sound and text in a Female Voice
♪Welcome - Welcome To The Hottest Club In SL!
♪Welcome2 - Welcome To The Club
♪Welcome3 - Welcome To The Club TP Your Friends, Lets Rock Out!
♪VotingOpen - Voting Is Now Open
♪VoteNow - Vote Now
♪VotingClosed - Voting Is Closed
♪TipDancers - Dont Forget To T I P Your S E X Y D A N C E R S
♪Requests - If You Have A Request - Get IN the DJ's Naughty Box
♪ReadyWinner - Who Is Ready For The Winners!!
♪FeedSploder - Feed The Sploder!
♪TP - TP Ya Friends, Ya Family, Ya Dog N Cat, Ya Man, Ya Woman, TP them all for a Rockin Time
♪TipDJ - Dont Forget To Tip Our R O C K I N DJ
Select the person you wish to send your info to.
Landmark - Sends the Landmark
Notecard - Sends a notecard
Group Link - Sends the link of your active group
Creates a Drop down text box where you can type a personalised message to a person in the crowd.
The person you send it to receives this message as a drop down window and is able to respond.
This feature is great for individual messages that will be noticed!
Produces a drop down box where you can type in a message to broadcast to the room through your bots
The crowd will see your message as if you were standing within chat distance
(no more need to shout at your patrons on a large dance floor)
This button rezzes some neat little toys
1 - Tip Board (Your own personal tip board that uses your profile picture)
2 - Listen and Talk Bot
3 - Talk only bot
4 - Delete all Bots in the sim (kills any bots you have rezzed)
*Listen and Talk Bot
This rezzes 1 bot on the floor that enables you to hear chat in a 30m radius of it. You are also able to broadcast from the bot who will show chat coming from you.
*Talk only bot
This rezzes 1 talk only bot that enables you to broadcast within a 30m radius as if you were talking in main chat
A great way to talk to patrons without SHOUTING AT THEM
Note: The bots are designed for hosting/club purposes and are not to be used as a griefing tool. We do not condone griefing use.
- Gestures
- Rezz
- Notify Patrons
- Tipboard
- Give - Items
Dont buy unless you want a basic bitch HUD Cant edit gestures for your club
for the price that i paid for this item, i would have liked to to be able to customize the gestures to my club, and i would like to have been able to give out more than just a LM to my guests. I have tried many cheaper host huds, and i have to say that this.... the most expensive one i have purchased....... is the crappiest one that i have used. make it to where i can change the emotes to custom ones for my club, and where i can hand out more than a LM or note card and i will edit my rating.
Not many gestures
Gestures are lacking and all female.