Octave Auguste bust with base.Mesh 100%
This package contains:
1 Mesh statue - 4 textures
1 Mesh base - 6 textures
5 Land Impact
Je rejoins Steve pour le fait qu'il dise que Novus est un des meilleurs créateurs de statue si ce n'est le meilleur.
La preuve avec ce buste de Octave Auguste.
Beautiful workmanship, excellent customer service
For some reason, Marketplace changed the perms on some of Vatum's items so that they become non-copyable once rezzed. (When you rez them, a copy remains in your inventory, but you can't copy the rezzed version.) This restriction makes all the difference in the world the theatrical work I do. Most statues I've bought from Novus don't behave this way. But the maker, Urfin Star, cheerfully helped out and replaced this and another bust I'd bought (it behaved the same way--not his fault at all). You simply can't do better than Novus!