G Generell

(PAT Sculpted Baby Binky Kit)

(PAT Sculpted Baby Binky Kit)

Another low-prim baby item from Painted Air Textures. It comes with 8 ready-to-use textures plus a texture template to use as a guide to creating your own designs. The sculpt map for this baby binky was inspired by my original Villager Baby Binky, however, it has been improved so looks even better. Look for additional sculpted baby item kits in the near future.

Contents of this kit:

1 PAT 1-Prim Baby Binky Sculpt Map - NO MOD/YES COPY/YES TRANSFER
8 PAT Baby Binky Textures - FULL PERM
1 PAT Baby Binky Texture Template - FULL PERM
Bonus: 9th Binky Texture

Please note that basic familiarity with image editing software is necessary to obtain good results using the texture templates. However, the 8 included textures can be applied and put you in the baby binky business immediately.

To use the texture templates, save them to hard drive and open in the image editor of your choice. Use the selection tool on the color coded parts to select and replace with your own seamless textures. Add shadowing, text, clipart or other creative elements using the included textures as a guide. You can also cut and paste and hue shift from the included textures.

KIT AND TEXTURES ARE NOT FOR RESALE OR GIVE-AWAY. You may sell or give away the creations you make using the maps and textures.

baby pacifier, infant, bambino, child, kid, maternity gift, layette, nuk, nuc

SLurl: Villager Painted Air Textures, Kissling 144, 71, 72

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