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PBW - Landmark 2 Map Version 2.2

PBW - Landmark 2 Map
PBW - Landmark 2 Map
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The infamous switcheroo! Well, not really. Simply drop the landmark of where you want the person's map to take them when they click it, and drop this script in with it.

Then, anyone that clicks that object, will have their map open up with the destination you've selected, and take them anywhere on the grid.

Really! Anywhere at all!

It's like a teleporter, to anywhere. Except for my house. Because you're not invited.

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  • Get a box.
  • Cut a hole in the box.
  • Put your destination (and the script) in that box.
  • Give her the box.
  • Profit.

L$ 99

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Project Blackwood
Project Blackwood
Verkauft von: Finn Blackwood

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